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Sporadic Invisible Robes


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I'm having an issue where NPCs who were Hooded Monk Robes (the priest at the beginning of the game, Erandur, etc) occasionally become transparent. Not all of them, just the robe part.


Here's an example of what it looks like :




Notice how the hood itself, hands, feet, and face are visible but the rest is transparent?


It's hard to troubleshoot because it's very hit and miss. SOMETIMES it happens, SOMETIMES it doesn't. Case in point :


I'm doing the dawnstar Nightmares quest, and I met Erandur in the dawnstar tavern/inn. The robes show up fine. We walk outside, they're fine. We go up to the tower and enter the tower, as soon as he's inside the tower they turn transparent.


I would assume it's a mesh issue but if so, wouldn't it be much more consistent?


Also possibly similarly related, Atul or Atub or whomever the orc priestess lady in Largashbur is also has a similar problem where her attire flickers between an invisible hooded monk robe and a black mage robe.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having the same problem.
Reloading, fast traveling and tab outs dont't help... kinda permanent and annoying as I have a transparent Heimskr walkng around in Whiterun - it corrupts the files! =(

I supect "Elaborate Textiles" is messing up the textures on that robes; do you have this mod also installed?

Edit: Ok forget about Elab.Tex. it doesn't seem to include the Hooded Monk Robes

Also if the bug kicks in, it affects all NPC with that item and even if I make a new one via console command it makes me invisible when I equip it...

Edit2: Noticed something interesting - I went to Heimskr and Danica in a new save and got a robe with the console. My robe was invisibe, theirs not. Saved, reloaded the same save and it swapped - my robe was working fine, theirs not, and it swaps everytime i save and reload... i think my skyrim is trolling me...

Also i installed http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4928/ but it was no use (besides the working robes looking good) , but now we know it is not a texture problem, but one in how skyrim loads/renders tha specific item.
sadly for me it isn' sporadic but a permanent either mine or the others

Edit3: For anyone with the same problem: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11662 . Fine enough for me!

Edited by Neekk0
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  • 4 weeks later...

I had the same bug and it was caused by Helmet toggle by Manic zombie. Fortunately, there is an easy fix. Just open up HelmetToggleVanillaHelmets.esp in creation kit. Find ClothesMonkRobesHoodedShow. Delete MonkRobesAA from the model. That should not be there, and its inclusion in the show version of the robes messes everything up.

Edited by ventose123
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