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Mod that makes the secondary effects on frost and lightning actually w


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*makes the secondary effects on frost and lightning actually work. Can't edit titles =/


This has bothered me pretty much since Skyrims release. The secondary effect on lightning and frost may as well not even exist.


Maybe 1 in 10 mages who I attack with lightning run out of mana before they run out of health. And usually those are the high level ones, so it pays off a tiny bit, but not nearly enough to make up for the massive loss of damage compared to fire. I, on the other hand, will go oom within seconds of being caught in a sparks spell or taking a lightning bolt or two.


Frost bothers me even more, because it should give you the one thing that mages should have: control. Both the slow and stamina drain seem to mean nothing to the NPCs. If a ice storm spell so much as grazes my character and his 30% magic resistance, my speed drops like a rock and my stamina bar is half gone. If I'm not right next to something to dodge behind, it's already too late. I'm going to be rooted in place, eat 2 or 3 more and thats it. If I toss an ice storm into a group of bandits, they waltz right through and don't even break stride.


It just seems like with mana efficiency being as important as it is, and the damage on fire being so much higher than frost and lightning, the secondary effects should be much, much more pronounced.

I'm using Skyre and Apocalypse as well, so the OP calm and frenzy abilities aren't there to abuse for control. :)

Edited by DeausX
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Unfortunately, fire is far superior to the other two elements. They certainly look good on paper, but fail to deliver. The only time I ever switch spells is to counter a particular resistance (especially important with Deadly Dragons) but that's just talking about pure damage. I agree that the stamina/magicka drain abilities have little to no effect on NPCs, who seem to be able to truck through just about anything thrown at them.
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Is your game patched to 1.8?


I am using SkyRe and Apocalypse pack as well, and I haven't noticed "Issues" with spell types.


SkyRe even balances mana costs for spell types?


But gotta admit, the system was plain STUPID in the beginning.

> Fire, cheapest, most damage, nobody is resistant to it. (Except couple of dragons)


> Frost, medium cost, little damage, everything is resistant to it. Blizzard and Ice storm were horribly OP, when used by NPC or by PC. (Which is weird, considering the fact that everything is resistant to frost)


> Shock, highest cost, medium damage, nothing is resistant to it, OP master spell.


SkyRe balances these quite well by taking away the differences in costs.


Problem with enemies running on magicka is probably that you are attacking high-level enemies, who have mighty amounts of magicka.


Level 20 foe might already have around 300-400 magicka.

Lightning spell consumes half of the magicka it deals as damage > 40 dmg = 20 magicka


If foe has 300 magicka, it takes roughly 600 damage to consume all his magicka.

Not many foes have that much HP. :biggrin:

HOWEVER, NPC's do use spells as well, so they lose magicka at the same time.

Usually mage lashes out the dagger once his Magicka is too low, and I see that happening quite often.

(Though, I haven't been to level 35 never, so I don't know what happens after those levels)

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