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Skyrim CTD when creating female character


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I have been playing skyrim for the past few days with no issues and decide that i wanted to start over once again. I create a new character with no issues and I go on my way. Eventually once entering Whiterun I begin to crash constantly eventually not being able to load any save games. This happens from time to time so i just Verify the Integrity of the Game Catch with steam and I can load once again. I was pleased with myself until I went into third person to realize that my once female character has turned into a male. I go back to previous saves and still have the same results. (I am using the Lunari race mod with CBBE)

I decide to remake a character from the start once more and when i go to choose the female gender for any race my game crashes to desktop. I haven't installed new mods in a while, so I'm at a loss at what would be the cause. I did update several mods before i created the first new character, but the game did run fine beforehand. My game usually is fairly stable, i only tend to have issues when there's an update. Just when I wanted to go on a skyrim binge.





I have since resolved the issue with CTD when i choose a female gender, now I am cursed with countless CTD at every turn (I've been using a clean save with no mods enabled). I'm in the process of going though my mod list and uninstalling mods I no longer use, but I cant seem to pinpoint anything. I mostly use flavor mods (Armor, weapons, meshes, etc). The BOSS list now is updated to my current mods. I really hope someone cant help with this.



Here's what my BOSS looks like:



  Reveal hidden contents


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Edit: I was looking at my BOSS log a bit more and I saw that i needed up update my maniquin and dance of death mods. I did so and I magically am female again. Praise Talos!


I have no idea what magic is at work. :|

I am still crashing to desktop often. Hmm

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1) You are using way too many mods. Even though many of them are 'minor mods' that just adds or edits one NPC, you are also using many 'big mods' like ASIS, crowded cities, real wildlife, etc. Too many mods with continually updating scripts (lanterns, player headtracking, etc.). Consider trimming even more.


2) BOSS has informed you that there are a number of plugins in your load order which needs to be cleaned. So download TES5Edit from the link, follow the instructions on the page, and clean those esp's.


3) You'll also need to use TES5Edit to check the records of the esp's not recognized by BOSS, in order to determine if they contain conflicting records with the other esp's in your load order, and where in the load order they should go. You can then use the 'BOSS Userlist Manager' to set custom rules for them so their load order position won't be reset every time you run BOSS. These unrecognized esp's must -not- be allowed to simply load after your compatibility patches.

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this mod can fix the sex change CTD makes it where instead of starting on male it goes straight to female. But do as ripple says. its for your own good. do that first. I advise you to also disable all mods that isn't used in character creation and enable them after your character is made. be nice to your pc and it will be nice back

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