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SMAA injector question


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Okay, so I will be talking about a little more than just the SMAA injector, but the SMAA injector just happens to be hugely related to what I am trying to do. After googling, binging, blackleing (same as google i know lol, just black), and searching forums all the way from this one to toms hardware to ENB forums and have not found a precise answer, perhaps my search question is to specific, so I decided to make my own post. hopefully one of you savvy gentlemen (or ladies) can help me.


Ultimate goal here is to get SMAA injector to work. Here is the issue. D3D9 file. As is, i have probably 100 mods, some graphical many not, and honestly game looks amazing, and even runs good. FPS isn't all that, 30-40 outdoors, 40-50 indoors, BUT it PERFORMS well. Those who understand FPS vs performance will understand the differences and correlations between the two. Anyways, suffice to say I can play no issue. BUT, in the pathetic interest of constantly tweaking and trying to make things better I would like to install the SMAA injector (obsessive, i know). But when i have ANY d3d9 file in the skyrim directory the game is reduced to 2-3 FPS and is flat out unplayable. Currently, the only reason my ENB works (shader FX, great ENB BTW) is because i use the injector version. Now, I have tried many things. Changing the d3d9 to say d3d9SMAA or d3d9_SMAA. I have tried setting the proxy in the enbseries to true with it pointing to d3d9_SMAA (and yes, i know that using the ENB injector you wouldn't normally have to do this since I am not running ENB wrapper but I tried for yits and giggles). But so far, everything I have tried, putting any d3d9 file into my skyrim directory scerws up the game. I have read some posts about the issue being with Nvidia Optimus technology, but I cannot confirm this for certain. My dirext X is up to date, and so are my drivers for my video card (computer specs will be posted at end of post).


I have one last idea perhaps someone here can either tell me it will work, or not work. Here it goes. Currently, my OS, with all the direct x files are on my solid state drive (C:/) and steam and skyrim are on my regular HHD (D:/). Is there the possibility that some how when the game tries to access the d3d9 file in the skyrim directory that there is a file path conflict because the actual direct x files are on a different hard drive? IDK, just an idea, because besides this one, I am out of ideas.


I have tried the SMAA injector before I had all the mods I have now, and after, so i know its not a mod conflict.


My specs are as follows:

Intel I7 3rd gen 3630 2.4 ghz

8GB corsair vengance RAM

Nvidia GTX 680M (yes I play on a laptop, please don't laugh to hard lol)

HHD memory out the a$$

Windows 7 64-bit


So, any ideas or useful links to help me solve this issue? I really would like to use the SMAA injector as i believe it would increase performance slightly. Thank you ahead of time for any help or words or encouragement.

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