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Reference attached to wrong cell for its location


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Sorry if this was somewhere answered, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so...


Well, my CK keeps pop up warnings like this:

MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> CELL 'Wilderness' (072E8DAA) Reference (0731DCEF) attached to wrong cell for its location: 'Wilderness' (072E8DAA) (3, -33) in WorldSpace 'Zone' (07004C50)

When I double click on the warning, it opens up a reference window with very strange values regarding XYZ positions.




Please, can somebody tell me what's causing such abomination, and/or how to identify the problematic spline so I can fix it...?



It looks like those XYZ values are proper, since I just figured out they start to count from cell 0, 0. Sorry about that. Anyway, I still can't locate the actual reference. I changed all values to zero, so it should appear at the cell 0, 0, but it doesn't...

Edited by Andyno
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