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Use Info for Quest Stages in CK


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Im looking for something like "Use Info" on quest stages


On all objects in the object window I can click "Use Info" to find all occurrences.
To find all occurrences of a specific text/name/variable... I use the "Text Search".
For scripts I prefer Notepad++ (the "find in files" search on the source directory).

But I cannot find a way to search for condition-uses of quest stages (e.g. getstagedone...).
Rightclick on stages shows only "New" and "Delete" on my CK.

Due to this lack of references, Quest debugging on most DLC-quests is extreme difficult, because most player responses are stored as quest stages.
e.g. to find all occurences of condition "GetStageDone 'DLC03CoA_DialogueNucleus ', 20 - [MQ06] Player said they're ready to destroy Far Harbor".

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I never found a way because of the kmyQuest fragment pointer.


So I do it the hard way.


Run quest monitor instrumentation scripts that register for quest stage change events and then Debug.Log the change. Then run each quest in game, watch the Papyrus log and note what scene/dialog is happening then track that down.


If you don't get a better offer;

FormList 	Property pSKK_toolsQuestMonitorList Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnQuestInit()
Int iIndex = 0 
While iIndex < pSKK_toolsQuestMonitorList.GetSize()
	Quest ThisQuest = pSKK_toolsQuestMonitorList.GetAt(iIndex) as Quest
	Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(ThisQuest, "OnStageSet")
	Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(ThisQuest, "OnQuestInit")
	Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(ThisQuest, "OnQuestShutdown")
	iIndex +=1

Event Quest.OnStageSet(Quest  akSender, int auiStageID, int auiItemID)
   Debug.Trace("SKK_toolsQuestMonitorScript.OnStageSet " + akSender + " Stage " + auiStageID )
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I really don't know. Example MinutemanCentralQuest manages a lot of main quest stuff so I had to add monitoring on some of its key global and script variables to figure out sequencing. Its a voyage of custom forensic tests every time ...

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