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New guantlets for power armors. . .


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I agree the PA's do need proper gauntlets/bracers - take a look at the Fallout Tactics PA gauntlets: PIC #1 - PIC #2 - PIC #3, those would be awesome. What I really want is to get rid of the Pipboy overwriting the left-arm forearm bracer - so an integrated Pipboy/Power Armor sounds great.


I once tried getting rid of the PipBoy using Geck by removing it's first person model and association with the PIPBOY body slot - worked great, no PipBoy but also no Stat/Inventory/Map :sweat:

Don't really know why that happened, I thought the PipBoy on the arm and your menu system were seperate - I mean you can use TM to remove the HUD which also removes the menu's - you end up looking at your blank PipBoy so I figured the menu system and the Pipboy were two seperate entities.

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The left sleeve of the Mysterious Stranger's outfit covers part of the Pip-Boy. Perhaps therein lies the key to power armour that doesn't, y'know, lopsidedly suck. Although there is a mod now that gets rid of the glove on the left hand, which helps.
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Not quite on track with the original topic but....


Pip Boy Begone! - A mod that removes PipBoy from 1st and 3rd person perspectives, requires FOSE - haven't tried it yet but this sounds exactly what I've been looking for.


If this works, then once some decent gloves/gauntlets/bracers show up for the Power Armor it'll be even better :D

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