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Aela The Huntress face problem


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My problem is most likely being caused by a mod I installed called "Aela the Huntress new face" by KnelTotenschwur. Ever since I uninstalled that mod, I haven't been able to get any other Aela face mods to work properly. What I end up with is a very dark face, which doesn't match the rest of her body, her facial features look very awkward, and she has no war paint at all. There isn't much info out there addressing this problem, so all I've been able to find is something saying that I have to look for Aela in the Creation Kit, and export her FaceGen data with Ctrl+F4. Well, I tried that, but it didn't do a damned thing. I even tried uninstalling the whole game, and doing a fresh new install, but even that didn't fix this problem either.


I got the Skyrim NPC editor, and edited Aela's face the way I wanted it to look. The program created an .ESP and .BSA file, which I compressed, then moved to my mods folder, and installed with NMM (this moves the files to my Skyrim data folder, and loads the .ESP file), but that didn't do anything at all either... I thought about replacing the existing broken Aela, so I saved the same file I had edited in the NPC editor as a separate NPC Aela file. Again, I compressed the files, installed them with NMM, and loaded the game. Well, this new Aela did appear in the game exactly as I want her to look, but the problem is that she has zero dialogue options, so I can't do anything with her... All I can say to her is "You know..." and "Nothing, sorry."


I also tried editing Aela's appearance in the Creation Kit with and without a duplicate Aela, and that didn't help one bit either. With the duplicate Aela, the lipstick color, and war paint I wanted her to have don't show up either in the CK or in the game, but at least everything else does, except this didn't help one bit either, because this duplicate doesn't have any dialogue options either. And editing the original Aela didn't fix anything either (her lipstick/war paint don't show in the CK or in the game either). Doesn't matter how much I try the Ctrl+F4 export FaceGen thing, it doesn't do anything...


I'm really frustrated, because Aela is my favorite NPC, and I've had this problem for weeks, and nothing I try fixes it. I swear I'm about to shoot my computer because of this. Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by DeathMask14
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