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Cannot access data

Kon Fuzed

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I don't know if it's normal because I am relatively new to this whole mod thing, but I am unable to open the files Fallout-MenuVoices, Fallout-Meshes, Fallout-Misc, Fallout-Sound, Fallout-Textures, and Fallout-Voices under C/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Fallout 3/Data. I know I should be able to at least view the list of contained files, if not actually view 3D hands and feet and bits of dialogue.


First I am wondering if it is abnormal to not be able to view the list of these files (such as the lists of .nif files) contained in these folders. If you think it is normal/easily doable tell me under what program or other viewing system I should open the lists of files. Please address this.


Second I am wondering if you should be able to manipulate those file lists in terms of removing/replacing/adding new .nif files. Please address this only you think it is normal to be able to view the files.


Third I am wondering if this is the main place to go if you want to replace textures and meshes in the game.


Please only tell me about archive invalidation if it is really important. I have already changed bInvalidateOlderFiles from =0 to =1. Please only address part of my question if you have answered the other parts.


Furthermore my version of fallout 3 is a d2d copy I got from a legitimate download site and the game runs vanilla just as it should.


I can spend 2 hours struggling with this and feel great when I'm done or I can spend 2 minutes feeling like an idiot and be done with it and enjoy my game. Please don't criticize me for choosing the second. Appreciate your help.

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