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Hearthfire home options.


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As the topic says, I am looking for a mod that allows you to play the various wings on any of the 3 sides of the house. I'm not sure if this has been suggested/requested before or if it is even possible, but I really dislike having to choose between the 3 items on each side.


For example: I would like to use the bedrooms on the left side, armory on the right, and enchanting tower on the rear.


Is this possible?

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Possible, but horrible amounts of work required, and kinda super PC to handle those houses in CK without crashing :biggrin:


As in CK when you view one of the houses, every item option is there. In-game those are just "disabled" by default, and become enabled as you craft them.


Thus, it's kinda horribly cluttered, it's hard to "navigate" inside the building, and so on.

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