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Tucoguide mods - helmet clipping?


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This may or may not be the place to post this and I apologize in advance for being vague. I have used the Tucoguide mod list as my guide and, after getting things set up as close to the instructions as possible, I am having the following issue: on a new game save, I am having npc helmet clipping. All the other meshes look great aside from helms (whiterun guards/ patrolling npcs). Anyone have any idea what mod might be triggering this? Is there a patch I might have missed? I researched as much as I could before posting, but came up no answers.


The mod list can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10694?


I'd point you to the character overhaul section, because I assume that's the most likely area for a discrepancy (but I am definitely new to this).


Thank you in advance for any responses.

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