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GECK Crash caused by navmesh


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Making a mod with GECK, had a few screw ups (Of course) but fixed them. Finished the interior, cluttered it, then moved on to the navmesh and anytime after i make the first vertice and i try to save my work the editor crashes for no reason. =/


Also: I used to get this random error about furniture everytime i tried to save previously, but having placed no furniture at the time and getting annoyed at it just clicked "yes to all"


PS: Anyone know how/got a script to remove all the PC items when action (such as door or switch) is used?

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For the NavMesh I ran into the same issue, crashing every time I saved. The way I fixed it was going to NavMesh (between World and Character menus) then clicking on Advanced NavMesh Gen. From there I generally click on these options -> Cleanup, Remove Overlapping, Remove Unwalkable. From there, completely close out of NavMesh editing then try saving. Haven't had a problem since I started doing that.


For items the command in the script it Player.RemoveAllItems

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  • 1 year later...

For the NavMesh I ran into the same issue, crashing every time I saved. The way I fixed it was going to NavMesh (between World and Character menus) then clicking on Advanced NavMesh Gen. From there I generally click on these options -> Cleanup, Remove Overlapping, Remove Unwalkable. From there, completely close out of NavMesh editing then try saving. Haven't had a problem since I started doing that.


For items the command in the script it Player.RemoveAllItems



I know this is a very very old thread, but I was having this same issue and did a search on the net to find this thread. You have saved me a lot of trouble. Thank you so much for the fix!!

Kudos to you

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