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Steam update, can't play Skyrim


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Thanks, very much appreciated :smile: I'm planning to try to finish my current game and then do a full reinstall afterwards to sort everything out as I now have a new CD key. I would do it now but I suspect that I'm going to have problems with it and I would REALLY like to actually get to finish the damn game. I have a full backup squirreled away already just in case though :wink:

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Thanks ginny, not to worry, I had a portable hard copy of my saves as it turns out (old school hehe) so I have been able to continue from where I left off. Given the stink I caused and the reassurances from Steam & Bethesda that they would ensure it would NEVER happen again, I'm fairly confident that I'll get it working properly again in the end.

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Glad it's resolved now.


I think Steam Support is just like the support department of other big companies. You can't get anything done if you don't ask the question just so or know the right loopholes.


Example: When Skyrim was just released I got a key online on the cheap. I played it a bit but thought it was boring (heresy!) and quit. Now a few months ago the skyrim modding bug finally got me and I wanted to play again. Well that cheap key didn't work anymore. Also I had forgotten I already owned it and bought a boxed copy in a sale and now that nonworking key was preventing me installing the game.

A lot of people will say that normally you can't get games removed even though according to the SSA you should be able to. Support simply won't do it, or make a huge fuss (probably afraid of lawsuits or something).

The only thing that can get them to listen is to ask em in a way they can't say no. In my initial message I quoted the SSA section that says I can demand to get a game (subscription in Steam language) removed from my account at any time. And they did it without any fuss at all. I installed the boxed copy and had been playing happily until Dragonborn prevented me absorbing dragon souls. Thus basically breaking the game. But that's a different story.


Basically if you are in you're right to get something done make sure you're initial message leaves no room for them to maneuver and they have to comply.

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Thanks, it really is good to know I'm not the only one who's had their fill of Steam. My problem initially was that, in my innocence, I had absolutely no idea what the hell had happened, so I had no chance of putting my question in such a way as to get them to act on it.

As for them being like other big companies, I'd expect most big online companies to respond in less than 5 days to a customer complaint, especially when they're already (if you believe their version of events) aware of the problem the customer has. No commercial enterprise can treat their customers that badly and expect to compete, but, of course, Steam doesn't have any competition, so we're all left in no doubt as to how Steam views it's customers.

As for your Dragon Soul issue, apparently it's fixed in the latest Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, hope that helps :)

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True, companies should do that and most of em do fine. I've never been really screwed over by any company *knock on wood* but I've read the stories. Basically Steam as done a lot of good for pc gaming (maybe even saved it) but it's far from perfect and I'm not a supporter of everything they do. However overall I am a fan and trusty user. It does bother me that Steam doesn't really have any competition but so far it's doing ok imo.


I'll have a look at that Unofficial Dragonborn Patch now. :)

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  • 7 years later...


The saga continues, I'm posting below the latest response from Steam, if anyone can shed any light on this I would be most grateful


Hello Nemesis,


You should not need to reinstall Skyrim.


Our records indicate that the CD Key that you originally received with your copy of the game may have been used more than once by the publisher, thus creating a situation where more than one user registered the CD Key.


We have remedied the situation by registering a new, unique CD Key to your account.


If you have any further difficulty, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you.

So it's Bethesda's fault? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif


P.S. I have no idea what this new CD key is btw http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif


Was this your first time dealing with Steam Support? Given that I faced a similar issue the day I bought Skyrim, I can understand (and laugh at it at the same time - hooray, wasn't me suffering this time http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif).


Jokes apart, one thing I would suggest, and which you pointed out as well, the CD key issue. You might want to make sure you clear it up with Steam support before closing that ticket - best to include a scenario where you will have to show a CD key. Another thing to do might be to save a copy of the ticket along with the entire history somewhere. Highly doubt you will need it, but given the fact that you don't know your CD key anymore, might come in handy.


EDIT: As for the question "So it's Bethesda's fault? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif"

Looks like a Steam issue to me. Even if Bethesda gave out the same CD key to multiple users, Steam verifies that the CD key is not in use by someone else - otherwise, hypothetically, me and my friend wouldn't have to buy two copies of Skyrim (At least that's how I assume it works. I actually never bothered trying same key two accounts.) How it slipped under their radar - no clue.


These links might help with the CD key issue:





if you have problems again I recommend that you buy a key from a third party store, like g2a,kinguin,..... is very cheap and affordable now.

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