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Looking for someone to work with on mods


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So far this year I've been far more busy than expected, and apparently there are a few kinks in my mods I don't really have the time (i'll spare the details) to work out.


So: I'm looking for someone to help out with the mods. All you really need is experience in Creation Kit. And whatever other modding tools you feel like using. Scripting isn't really required for the mods - I hardly use it anyways - but if you know how to, all the better.


Respond to this post or message me if you want to work on editing and updating these mods. I also plan on doing a similar disenchanting mod (if I have the time after it's release) for Dragonborn DLC; so if you feel like working on that also, I welcome the help!



And a heads-up to anyone currently using my mods: If no-one feels up to working on them, I will be setting the mods to hidden by the end of next week until I have the time to fully update everything.

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