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Strange visual glitch...


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This means that there is something wrong with ur mods, incompatibility/corruption etc.

I honestly dont know, but try disabling & activating the original mod again, and make sure that u have the mod requirements.

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The mod you've installed is missing the key components that it calls upon.


Very likely it uses a bodyreplacer and textures you have not installed yet.


IE did you install a UNP body replacer yet?



Missing head was a speciffic mesh likely just meant for those girls, so it's not labeled a replcer,


But when a mesh is gone altother well you just don't have it


When the mesh is an off color like Blue, purple, or pink. Clear sign your missing a texture


Girls of Skyrim is set up so that you have to go to every single page and download every mod the aurthor used and labeled in their description page.

Edited by gamefever
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Girls of Skyrim is set up so that you have to go to every single page and download every mod the aurthor used and labeled in their description page.


I see. seems like it is based on at least two different body replacers (UNP and CBBE). I've only installed CBBE as I assume body replacers are concurrent mods that cannot be used together, or can they?


Well, as a short-term workaround I've hired only those Girls of Skyrim that appear glitch free. Guess I'll try to fix the remaining glitches later.


Thanks a lot for any advice.

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