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Papyrus script spell


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I think the standard solution is to create an invisible alchemy table in front of the player, activate it, and then when the player closes the alchemy menu delete the table.


I would suggest checking out Chesko's mod Frostfall, specifically the mortar and pestle, an item you can carry in your inventory and perform alchemy in the field -- it's not a spell, but you should easily be able to duplicate his script's procedure in a spell.

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I think the standard solution is to create an invisible alchemy table in front of the player, activate it, and then when the player closes the alchemy menu delete the table.


I would suggest checking out Chesko's mod Frostfall, specifically the mortar and pestle, an item you can carry in your inventory and perform alchemy in the field -- it's not a spell, but you should easily be able to duplicate his script's procedure in a spell.


I've checked his work out, true it's similar, yet my Papyrus skills are by far from what they should be to understand everything in there. Would be great if someone could help me out.

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What you will do in the CK is duplicate the alchemy table, make a new cell. Place your duplicate in said cell. The cell can be empty, just place a floor piece, and the workbench on it. When you cast the spell with the script attached, you will go into the crafting menu from where you are standing


In your script, define a object reference property as your work bench. Make a OnEffectStart() event block, and use the .activate() function. I'm not sure if you will need to disable the player's controls and re-enable them when you exit, but you shouldn't have to. Have you scripted before?

Edited by TripleSixes
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What you will do in the CK is duplicate the alchemy table, make a new cell. Place your duplicate in said cell. The cell can be empty, just place a floor piece, and the workbench on it. When you cast the spell with the script attached, you will go into the crafting menu from where you are standing


In your script, define a object reference property as your work bench. Make a OnEffectStart() event block, and use the .activate() function. I'm not sure if you will need to disable the player's controls and re-enable them when you exit, but you shouldn't have to. Have you scripted before?


I have played around with Papyrus, but never scripted form scratch.

The only scripting knowledge I have is web-based.

An example would help me out tremendously as I think the script itself wouldn't be too big.


Thanks for the help.

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What you will do in the CK is duplicate the alchemy table, make a new cell. Place your duplicate in said cell. The cell can be empty, just place a floor piece, and the workbench on it. When you cast the spell with the script attached, you will go into the crafting menu from where you are standing


In your script, define a object reference property as your work bench. Make a OnEffectStart() event block, and use the .activate() function. I'm not sure if you will need to disable the player's controls and re-enable them when you exit, but you shouldn't have to. Have you scripted before?


Would something like this work?

Scriptname XYZDyramistyMysteriousSpellActivationScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

ObjectReference Property CertainObject auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)



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