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Sneak Peak - SatCom Strike Array Zulu


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A current work in progress.


ETA...could be a while...but here are some screens. I'm about 25 percent done...if that.


I'd rather not give too much away about the story or location just yet. It should fit fairly well into the fallout universe with only a couple of quirky 'perks'.

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Layout is now 100 percent complete. All that is left is the quest. ;]


Mod will include:

Short story and quest to obtain location and weapons. This area can be used as a home, but it's quite a ways in the boonies. How many other houses have an indoor shooting range though??

Three unique weapons: (used with permission and 2 are modded to fit storyline)

A couple of unique perks (if you can figure them out)

In depth notes and backstory of the location (if you are into actually role playing a game, this could be interesting)

Action freaks will get a couple of monsters to fight here and there...not much though, as it's a house/base...not a dungeon.

Extremely detailed areas (fps freaks will probably hate me, but oh well. I have optimized everything with roombounds and portals however). Includes outdoor bling and 3 medium sized indoor cells.

other misc bling and what not....


Should be released in the next week or so. I look forward to sharing my first mod with such a friendly community. ;]

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