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How to get a door locked again?


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I know the way to lock a door by using an activator like in this example, but I want to lock the door every time I close it, and unlock every time I open it only if I have the key. I figured out this kind of script:


ScriptName MainDoorClose&Lock

Begin OnActivate
if MainDoor.GetOpenState == 1  ;when the player closes the door it will be locked
	MainDoor.SetOpenState 0
	MainDoor.lock 0
else MainDoor.GetOpenState == 0 ; when the player tries to open the locked door, it performs the normal check for the key.
	If ; <----------- the player has the "MainDoorKey"
		; <------------ MainDoor gets open
	else ; <----------- the player has not the "MainDoorKey"
		 ; <-------------  ask for a key to be opened


I don’t know if GECK allows something like this since in vanilla is impossible to drop a key, so there is no need to perform a second check. But could there be ways to set a door to it original state?

Edited by VikingII
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VikingII - Hello!


To make the door lock whenever it's shut should be easy, I tried this script which seems to work well:


SCN SelfLockingDoorScript


Begin gamemode


if MainDoor.GetOpenState == 3


MainDoor.lock 0







Give the door a reference name (MainDoor) & set it persistent, set the door lock level & key (if it has one) as normal, attach the script to the door.


It's nice & simple, just checks whether the door is shut (animated door shut is 3) & locks it if it is shut.


If you've set your door to pickable & you don't have a key then you have to pick the lock again whenever it's shut.


If you've set the door to open with a key & you have that key you will unlock it with said key.


"I don’t know if GECK allows something like this since in vanilla is impossible to drop a key,"


To make a droppable key, just make a Misc Item, call it something like SpecialKey, use the key model & set the door to locked but key to none.


Then add an onactivate check for the "key" in the player's inventory. Something like this:


Begin onactivate


;If the door is open allow it to shut


if MainDoor.GetOpenState == 1





;If the door is closed & the player hasn't got the key allow them to pick the lock


if MainDoor.GetOpenState == 3

if player.GetItemCount SpecialKey == 0






;If the door is shut but the player has the key open the door.


if player.GetItemCount SpecialKey == 1

if MainDoor.GetOpenState == 3

MainDoor.SetOpenState 1









That will mean the door can still be picked if you have no key (as long as you've set a lock level on the door & not open only with a key), will open if you have the key & you can drop the key.


Place it in the door script above the locking script segment.


I've just thrown this together on the fly, I've tested it in game & all worked well but obviously I've not done loads of testing on it. :)


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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Simple & beautiful like as any script should be and works like a charm! That is exactly what I have been searched for. And thanks for the droppable key advice, I was planning to use a script to remove the key but I think your method feels more natural in game. :thumbsup:
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  • 5 months later...

Thanks VikingII for bringing this up and thank you prensa for those awesome instructions. I used your script to take control of the top corner room of Moiriarty's for some fan fiction I've been working on. I put a lot of furniture and goodies in there, but thanks to all the other mods I have running, random NPCs keep coming in and ruining the party lol. Now I can lock them out completely hahahaha. Thanks again to you both for the awesome scripting instructions.

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If you would like to take it a step further, I have a script for an auto door. This will automatically close and lock a door a set time after the player opens it. No need to close the door...

ScriptName DoorScript

Float Timer

Begin OnLoad            ; if the player left the door open the last time he was in here, close it.
    If GetOpenState == 1
        SetOpenState 0
        If GetLockLevel > 0

Begin OnActivate                    
    Set Timer to 10       ; The door will close and lock itself in 10 seconds.     


Begin GameMode
    If Timer > 0
        Set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed
    ElseIf GetOpenState == 1
        SetOpenState 0
        Set Timer to 0
        If GetLockLevel > 0

    If GetOpenState == 3
        Set Timer to 0
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