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AddForm and HasForm


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I'm testing some random scripts.

I'm using a quest script to add a book to a leveled list. The problem is it doesn't always work for some reason.

When I add it to a custom list (0 chance of nothing, Use All checked) that I put into a custom container, the book always shows up.

If I add it to an existing list (I chose VendorGoldMisc so I could check the riverwood trader easily) with 0 chance of nothing, it only shows up sometimes.



Scriptname csd_testquestscript extends Quest  

Book property spelltomedeadthrall auto
LeveledItem property csd_spelltomeLlist auto

Event OnInit()



Event OnUpdate()

csd_spelltomeLlist.AddForm(spelltomedeadthrall, 1, 1)

Debug.Notification("Form Added")





Random Grumble: HasForm doesn't work on Leveled Lists...grumble

Edited by cscottydont
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First guess: Is the existing list you're using a random list (ie a list of 'n' items from which some number less than 'n' entries are chosen?)
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No, that would only be if the 'Use All' box was checked.

Adding a second item to that list means that whenever it's called it picks one valid item at random from all items less than or equal to the player's level, and if called multiple times, it randomly picks an item each time rather than just returning multiples of the same item.

It's not very clear, I had to work it out for myself by trial and error. :)

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You're welcome. :thumbsup:

If we don't share information freely, the whole Modding community's going to be wasting a lot of time in duplicated effort that could be better spent making the games better. :D

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