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Ghost Effect on Other Weapons


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Hi all. I hope I'm not duplicating a thread here, but I searched every way I could think of before posting. I'm looking to see how you can add that ghostly semi-transparent effect to an existing weapon in the Creation Kit? I'm thinking it is something easy but I'm not finding it. Specifically, I'd like to make a version of Harkon's Blade using the same effect the Ghostblade (and some other stuff I think) has on them already. Is this an effect within the CK, or it is a completely alternate texture? I'm wanting to make something to represent Callandor from the Wheel of Time series, and so far the best I've seen is Harkon's Blade, but with a semi-transparent effect. Thanks!
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I'm 99% sure that it's a complete different texture. Not sure if it would be that hard to make a new texture though, since you could extract the official texture and use a program (no idea what programs people use to alter textures) to make it transparent.


There's no separate option in the CK to add that effect as far as I know.

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maybe try using an enchantment on it with the GhostFXShader as the EnchantShader?


Good thought. I went and checked and the actual Ghostblade doesn't have anything as the Enchant Shader. I'll try to put that together myself and see what happens, but that points to it being a custom texture with the semi-transparent effect I think.

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