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Fallout 3 Samurai Helmet, Armor & Sword


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I've seen pictures about of someone porting the FO3 Samurai Armor, Helmet and Sword over to Skyrim, and that there where skeleton issues involved,

But I can't seem to find the file anywhere, has it been taken off the database?

I really liked the armor and sword from FO3 and I'm not really a fan of the other samurai mods (Genji armor etc.)


Can someone port this armor, helm and sword for me?

I'm hopeless with blender (modelling in general) and can't fix the skeleton issues myself,

If i'm mistaken and the mod is still on the net, can someone please link me up?



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Legal or not it was done for NV :/

"This is just a port of the Katana from Mothership Zeta. "

"You need to have the Zeta - Main.bsa from Mothership Zeta for this. "


And file size is 0kb-1kb


How often do you skip descriptions :thumbsup:


Edit: Just for clarification

The mod you referred to requires the zeta.bsa, thus it sort-of requires the game where the meshes are from, so it's actually legal.

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Could someone do this for Skyrim?


Since it can be done legally.




Skyrim and Fallout use different methods when attaching weapons to hand and so.

(Or actually, different names for bones)

And i think the mesh itself might be quite different from what Skyrim uses.

It's a bit like trying to throw sword from oblivion to Skyrim without necessary changes.


Also, as Hatter said, there's plenty of samurai stuff around already.

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