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XxParagonSporkxX - BANNED

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XxParagonSporkxX banned.





Belittling other members’ contents


Entitled behaviour

Particularly offensive remarks towards another member

Excessively aggressive behaviour

Unsubstantiated aggressively criticising another member and his content

Publicly accusing another member of wrongdoing


Comments (excerpt)



03 January 2020 - 05:25 AM

this mod is too complicated is there an easier one I could use?


03 January 2020 - 07:16 PM

instructions unclear dick stuck in ceiling fan

wtf is omod and where do I get it

and why aren't my menus red like in the pictures

whole thing is too confusing and now my game is f***ed

thanks alot

Edited by XxParagonSporkxX, 03 January 2020 - 07:17 PM.


11 March 2020 - 07:09 PM

Make a patch for stip open and freeside open plz

Use with Strip Open has the sign floating in midair and use with freeside open causes the mormon fort to disapear


30 May 2020 - 09:03 PM

Please make a patch for Enhanced camera!


04 June 2020 - 02:16 AM

this mod causes the players pipboy arm to grap the gun when firing

can you please fix this it looks janky as hell


06 August 2020 - 07:53 AM

dude!!! fix your port!!!

you have lines that refer to oldrim and not skyrim se. fix this s***!


13 Aug 2020 - 01:29 AM

Hey pirate nazi! your "pirate proofing" is giving false positives to legitimate steam buyers like myself. Ither fix it or scrap it! ive run the game through steam several times and it still displays that im "pirating" when its a legit purchase! does it with and without SKSE installed


also why is it your place to prevent piracy in the first place mr. white knight?


Pro tip: if your gonna be a white knight dont f*** legit buyers in the process!

Edited by XxParagonSporkxX, 13 August 2020, 01:35 AM.


14 August 2020 - 03:02 AM

"FNIS checks whether you use a legal Skyrim Steam installation. For this purpose reads the information Steam is setting every time you launch Skyrim with the Steam launcher. If this check fails, you will get a warning in the FNIS output window." i do this it says im a pirate and im not indicating poor/faulty code.


"FNIS checks whether you are user of the mod pirate site "moddrop". In this case FNIS will abort with an appropriate error message. If you want to use FNIS again, you need to (1) uninstall the moddrop client, (2) uninstall FNIS, including all leftovers in tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users or MO overwrites, respecively (3) re-install FNIS again." dont have this and even if i did i find that invasive as all hell.


"I will NOT HELP any PIRATES! First, I don't support people that don't support Skyrim and its mod authors. And second, I don't waste my time chasing down problems which only occur with illegal installations." so like i already said your a white knighting tard. As for the piracy instructions thats there own fault if it doesnt work dont need to literally scan for a legit copy and potentially f*** legit users.


"In order to execute its preventive piracy actions, FNIS reads data from your PC. But only as much as is needed to find out the above described piracy information. If you don't fail the check, there is nothing that is kept in any way. And if you fail, the result is only distributed if you choose to share it. In particular there is no background scanning in any way." once again invasive as f*** and also very sketchy.


"It's the mod author's prerogative to do with a mod as he sees fit" you sound like the author of solid project... too high up on your high horse.


"You are not forced to use this mod. Don't like it, uninstall, and move along.": actually in a way i am since a lot of mods for whatever dumb reason require this invasive program which locks me out of features i was hoping to add bringing down more mod authors i could have endorsed with you. smart move even if it is just one endorsment.


you suck and so does your mod too bad the skeleton requires i use this invasive/sketchy program. as for breaking the nexus site rules you are cutting it suspicously close. and no i wont cool it after having to deal with yet another copyright troll being a dumbass.

Edited by XxParagonSporkxX, 14 August 2020, 03:30 AM.


Pertaining mod (comments 13 Aug 2020 - 01:29 AM and 14 August 2020 - 03:02 AM)



Original upload 06 November 2016 1:08AM, last updated 19 February 2020 12:10PM, 6,170,843 total dLs, 87,257 endorsements, last endorsement given 14 August 2020







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