hidconsp Posted January 31, 2013 Share Posted January 31, 2013 (edited) So I've went through lists of wabbajack effects in here, and here.What I found is that they are somewhat disorganized, and some effects seems to be caused by glitches. (Like "DOES NOTHING")So I opened the script used to the wabbajack to see what is actually going on. Scriptname DA15WabbajackEffectSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect ; the gold MISCOBJECT PROPERTY gold AUTO ; the sweet roll POTION PROPERTY sweetRoll AUTO MISCOBJECT PROPERTY plate AUTO ; the heal spell SPELL PROPERTY healSpell AUTO ; invisibilty spell SPELL PROPERTY invis AUTO ; the fire/frost/storm spell EXPLOSION PROPERTY fireSpell AUTO EXPLOSION PROPERTY frostSpell AUTO EXPLOSION PROPERTY stormSpell AUTO ; a skeever ACTORBASE PROPERTY skeever AUTO ACTORBASE PROPERTY wolf AUTO ACTORBASE PROPERTY bandit AUTO ACTORBASE PROPERTY draugr AUTO ACTORBASE PROPERTY falmer AUTO ACTORBASE PROPERTY dragonPriest AUTO ACTORBASE PROPERTY atronach AUTO ; ally FACTION PROPERTY playerFaction AUTO ; //THE STUFF FOR THE EXPLOSION EXPLOSION PROPERTY forceExplosion AUTO EXPLOSION PROPERTY visualExplosion AUTO OBJECTREFERENCE PROPERTY explosionMarker AUTO EFFECTSHADER PROPERTY wabbaHitEffect AUTO SPELL PROPERTY ghostSpell AUTO INT randEffect=0 ACTORBASE ghostNPC OBJECTREFERENCE npcChanged OBJECTREFERENCE newCreature KEYWORD PROPERTY keyWabbajackExcluded Auto KEYWORD PROPERTY keyGiant AUTO KEYWORD PROPERTY keyDragon AUTO ; //TRANSMOGRIFY VARIABLES OBJECTREFERENCE objStore OBJECTREFERENCE newRefStore ACTORBASE PROPERTY chicken AUTO ACTORBASE PROPERTY mudcrab AUTO ACTORBASE PROPERTY rabbit AUTO ACTORBASE PROPERTY dremora AUTO dunTransmogrifyAnimal mainScript ; //WE madwoman ACTORBASE PROPERTY madWoman AUTO ; ////////// ; //ASH PILE VARIABLES ; ////////// float property fDelay = 0.75 auto {time to wait before Spawning Ash Pile} float property fDelayEnd = 1.65 auto {time to wait before Removing Base Actor} float property ShaderDuration = 0.00 auto {Duration of Effect Shader.} Activator property pDefaultAshPileGhost auto {The object we use as a pile.} Bool property bSetAlphaZero = True auto {The Effect Shader we want.} FormList Property pDisintegrationMainImmunityList auto {If the target is in this list, they will not be disintegrated.} EFFECTSHADER PROPERTY pGhostDeathFXShader AUTO {the shader to play while dying} race VictimRace ACTOR victim bool TargetIsImmune = True EVENT onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) victim = akTarget IF(akCaster == game.getPlayer()) randEffect = utility.randomInt(1, 100) explosionMarker.moveTo(akTarget) IF(akTarget.isEssential()) randEffect = 1 ELSEIF(akTarget.hasKeyword(keyWabbajackExcluded)) randEffect = 1 ELSEIF(akTarget.hasKeyword(keyGiant)) randEffect = 1 ELSEIF(akTarget.hasKeyword(keyDragon)) randEffect = 1 ELSEIF(akTarget.isCommandedActor()) randEffect = 1 ELSEIF(akTarget.getBaseObject() == madwoman) randEffect = 60 ENDIF ; ///////////// ; //CHOOSE WHAT WE'RE RANDOMLY DOING IF(randEffect >= 1 && randEffect < 51) elementalEffect(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 51 && randEffect < 58) randomCreatureChicken(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 58 && randEffect < 65) randomCreatureRabbit(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 65 && randEffect < 72) randomCreatureMudcrab(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 72 && randEffect < 77) castInvis(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 77 && randEffect < 82) hsmTransfer(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 82 && randEffect < 89) randomCreatureDremora(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 89 && randEffect < 94) healSpell.cast(akTarget, akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 94 && randEffect < 96) spawnGold(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 96 && randEffect < 98) spawnSweetRoll(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 98) akTarget.kill(game.getPlayer()) ENDIF ENDIF ENDEVENT FUNCTION basicDamage(ACTOR targ) ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION randomCreatureChicken(ACTOR targ) targ.disable() newRefStore = targ.placeAtMe(chicken) ; //setting the master script to be the one with the stored vars mainScript = newRefstore AS dunTransmogrifyAnimal mainScript.storedActor = targ targ.stopCombat() ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION randomCreatureMudcrab(ACTOR targ) targ.disable() newRefStore = targ.placeAtMe(mudcrab) ; //setting the master script to be the one with the stored vars mainScript = newRefstore AS dunTransmogrifyAnimal mainScript.storedActor = targ targ.stopCombat() ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION randomCreatureRabbit(ACTOR targ) targ.disable() newRefStore = targ.placeAtMe(rabbit) ; //setting the master script to be the one with the stored vars mainScript = newRefstore AS dunTransmogrifyAnimal mainScript.storedActor = targ targ.stopCombat() ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION randomCreatureDremora(ACTOR targ) targ.disable() newRefStore = targ.placeAtMe(dremora) ; //setting the master script to be the one with the stored vars mainScript = newRefstore AS dunTransmogrifyAnimal mainScript.storedActor = targ targ.stopCombat() ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION spawnGhostFriend(ACTOR targ) targ.placeAtMe(visualExplosion) ACTOR tempNPC = (targ.placeAtMe(targ.getBaseObject()) as ACTOR) tempNPC.addSpell(ghostSpell) tempNPC.removeFromAllFactions() tempNPC.setFactionRank(playerFaction, 5) tempNPC.setGhost(TRUE) utility.wait(10) explosionMarker.setPosition(tempNPC.x, tempNPC.y, (tempNPC.z + 75)) tempNPC.placeAtMe(visualExplosion) utility.wait(0.5) tempNPC.disable() ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION elementalEffect(ACTOR targ) int rand = utility.randomInt(1,3) explosionMarker.setPosition(targ.x, targ.y, (targ.z + 75)) IF(rand == 1) targ.placeAtMe(fireSpell) targ.damageAV("Health", 60) ELSEIF(rand == 2) targ.placeAtMe(frostSpell) targ.damageAV("Health", 60) ELSEIF(rand == 3) targ.placeAtMe(stormSpell) targ.damageAV("Health", 60) ENDIF ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION castInvis(ACTOR targ) float baseMagicka = targ.getAV("magicka") float baseIllusion = targ.getAV("Illusion") targ.setAV("magicka", 200) targ.setAV("Illusion", 200) invis.cast(targ, targ) utility.wait(0.5) targ.setAV("magicka", baseMagicka) targ.setAV("Illusion", baseIllusion) ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION hsmTransfer(ACTOR targ) wabbaHitEffect.play(game.getPlayer()) targ.damageAV("health", (targ.getBaseAV("health") * 0.5)) game.getPlayer().restoreAV("health", (game.getPlayer().getBaseAV("health") * 0.5)) targ.damageAV("stamina", (targ.getBaseAV("stamina") * 0.5)) game.getPlayer().restoreAV("stamina", (game.getPlayer().getBaseAV("stamina") * 0.5)) targ.damageAV("magicka", (targ.getBaseAV("magicka") * 0.5)) game.getPlayer().restoreAV("magicka", (game.getPlayer().getBaseAV("magicka") * 0.5)) utility.wait(1.5) wabbaHitEffect.stop(game.getPlayer()) ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION spawnGold(ACTOR targ) targ.placeAtMe(visualExplosion) createAshPile() explosionMarker.setPosition(targ.x, targ.y, (targ.z + 100)) utility.wait(0.1) explosionMarker.placeAtMe(gold, 50) explosionMarker.placeAtMe(forceExplosion) ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION spawnSweetRoll(ACTOR targ) targ.placeAtMe(visualExplosion) utility.wait(0.7) explosionMarker.setPosition(targ.x, targ.y, (targ.z + 10)) utility.wait(0.1) createAshPile() explosionMarker.placeAtMe(sweetRoll) ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION createAshPile() ; //check to see if the target is in the immunity list IF(pDisintegrationMainImmunityList == none) TargetIsImmune = False ELSE ActorBase VictimBase = victim.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase VictimRace = VictimBase.GetRace() IF(pDisintegrationMainImmunityList.hasform(VictimRace) || pDisintegrationMainImmunityList.hasform(VictimBase)) TargetIsImmune = True ELSE TargetIsImmune = False ENDIF ENDIF ; //if the target is not immune, disintegrate them IF(TargetIsImmune == False) ; debug.trace("victim just died") victim.kill(game.getPlayer()) victim.SetCriticalStage(victim.CritStage_DisintegrateStart) IF(pGhostDeathFXShader != none) pGhostDeathFXShader.play(victim,ShaderDuration) ENDIF victim.SetAlpha (0.0,True) ; //attach the ash pile victim.AttachAshPile(pDefaultAshPileGhost) utility.wait(fDelayEnd) IF(pGhostDeathFXShader != none) pGhostDeathFXShader.stop(victim) ENDIF IF(bSetAlphaZero == True) victim.SetAlpha (0.0,True) ENDIF victim.SetCriticalStage(victim.CritStage_DisintegrateEnd) ENDIF endFUNCTION Pretty long isn't it? Let me delete everything except names... Scriptname DA15WabbajackEffectSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect EVENT onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) IF(akCaster == game.getPlayer()) randEffect = utility.randomInt(1, 100) ; //CHOOSE WHAT WE'RE RANDOMLY DOING IF(randEffect >= 1 && randEffect < 51) elementalEffect(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 51 && randEffect < 58) randomCreatureChicken(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 58 && randEffect < 65) randomCreatureRabbit(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 65 && randEffect < 72) randomCreatureMudcrab(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 72 && randEffect < 77) castInvis(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 77 && randEffect < 82) hsmTransfer(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 82 && randEffect < 89) randomCreatureDremora(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 89 && randEffect < 94) healSpell.cast(akTarget, akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 94 && randEffect < 96) spawnGold(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 96 && randEffect < 98) spawnSweetRoll(akTarget) ELSEIF(randEffect >= 98) akTarget.kill(game.getPlayer()) ENDIF ENDIF ENDEVENT FUNCTION basicDamage(ACTOR targ) FUNCTION randomCreatureChicken(ACTOR targ) FUNCTION randomCreatureMudcrab(ACTOR targ) FUNCTION randomCreatureRabbit(ACTOR targ) FUNCTION randomCreatureDremora(ACTOR targ) FUNCTION spawnGhostFriend(ACTOR targ) FUNCTION elementalEffect(ACTOR targ) FUNCTION castInvis(ACTOR targ) FUNCTION hsmTransfer(ACTOR targ) FUNCTION spawnGold(ACTOR targ) FUNCTION spawnSweetRoll(ACTOR targ) So from what I see in the script, odds are like this: 50% Elemental Spell (Fire, Frost, Shock)Actually this is not "spell"... When you look at the script, it generates only explosion, and then use "damageActorValue-health" to give 60 damages.Thus nothing -no magic resist, no elemental resist, no player destruction skill level- affects this effect.In addition, this might let us kill NPCs without getting 1000 bounty added, because the damage is given through script.(Wabbajack gives 1 damage on hit, so we might still get 40 bounty for minor crime.) 7% + 7% + 7% Change to Animal (Chicken, Rabbit, Mudcrab)Very useful when I want to have a cup of tea during 1:1 battle5% InvisibilityReally does nothing, because enemies would try to hit you anyway, resulting in dispelling invisibility...5% Absorb Health, Magicka, StaminaThis functions really weirdly. You do not absorb HMS of fixed value.You take 50% of enemy HMS (Yeah, die! bandit chief!) to restore 50% of you HMS.So it's super-effective to enemies with large maximum health and still a good way to heal yourself when used to minor enemies.7% Change to DremoraYOU MEET YOUR END, MORTAL!!! No, thanks.Hit him once, and he will disappear, just like "change to animal" effect6% HealThe spell cast is "Fast Healing," which restores 50 health.As far as you get another elemental spell effect with wabbajack, this effect is not that dangerous. 2% Change to CoinMy favorite effect, indeed.Instant kill, and gives me some septims to buy a sweetroll 2% Change to SweetrollNo need to visit Belethor to buy one!Instant kill, also 3% Instant KillUnlike elemental spells, the kill script in this effect designates a killer, which is the player. So in summary, 50% elemental skill (damage 60)5% absorb HMS (50%)7% instant kill38% fun What do you think? I think this is quite useful... Especially 7% instant kill is at least higher on value than that of Mehrune's Razor, (2/101) except that only "Elemental Spell" effect occurs when Wabbajack is used to certain "essential" actors... Also, I found "Spawn Ghost Friend" effect in the script, but it is not actually used...When I changed the script to use the effect, it summoned a doppelganger of the target to fight against him.Have anyone seen this effect without modifying the script? Edited January 31, 2013 by hidconsp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jack013 Posted January 31, 2013 Share Posted January 31, 2013 the dagger is good too, it has no charge and it hits pretty fast. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hidconsp Posted January 31, 2013 Author Share Posted January 31, 2013 I agree, but Wabbajack is more fun! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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