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Scripting questions (newbie here)


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so i have a few questions about a few ideas i have. any help would be appreciated


basically i want a specific item to equip to npcs encountered based on the npcs gender. I was hoping this could be global as in all npcs encountered. this script could be called on either by cell load or what ever would work/be more efficient)


i also want this item to be hidden from their inventory tab so it stays equipped even after death you cannot pick it up off them. I don't want this script to effect my player character... yet but any pointers on scripting or even links to a few good tutorials or scripting ref material would be appreciated...


is this all possible and on top of that how would i go about a command that toggles if this script is active or not in game


thanks in advance

Edited by xcursedplaguex
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I'm not sure about how to add the item...

Maybe you can try dynamically attaching script

But I believe if you uncheck the flag "playable" on the armor tab, player cannot see that item.


Thanks i will try some of the above... modding morrowind was easier XD. just have to work out a few kinks with the item it self will post back here if i get it working

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