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Spoken dialog options don't save (Greyed out lines)


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Hey, i have tons of mods installed and i have no idea even where to begin but the problem is that after installing a mod or something else happened the game dosent save the dialog i allready spoke to people meaning that when i return to an NPC after speaking to him the dialouge options that i allready heared would appear white again as if i havent talked to him about it, now that's not too bad . . i can live with it . . but apperantly the side quests in the thieves guild don't "Complete" properly, i allways get the quests in the same area . . like it dosent save the things i did, i allways get bedlam job in windhelm . .time after time .. and planting something in someones house in solitude (Random person but allways solitude) so it kinda dosent save the stuff i've done . . anyone had a familliar issue ?
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