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ENB = Love/Hate Relationship


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Okay so we all love how an enb looks and some can even boost performance.


I have so far tried several different enb and none of them have been able to suit quite well.


My main issue is that every one I've tried seems to affect the underwater view changing it to a solid green. Yes I know about the green water fix, but I personally like the vanilla underwater effect. Much more realistic.


If you could please take the time and share some of your experience with enb and list your favorites and tweaks I'd be beyond grateful :)


And also, are all of the files included with an enb required for it to work properly? Namely the text files? Thanks.

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Okay, I'll try to offer some input but as you know from experience, already, the ENB's are so many and so rarely unique but very frequently have particulars for installation that by changing from one to the other you may very well mistakenly create a hybrid of two. I've liked a couple, right now I think I'm using UNBLEAK as it was recommended as a good companion to Climates Of Tamriel.


I drop everything into the folder, including the Readme text files. Make sure you read the dang readme, by the way - many of these ENB's have very particular settings required to look right. Otherwise you'll get a weird neon-world effect or just blackness.


There are a couple of WATER mods to fix the ENB water glitch, the one I use is called... W.A.T.E.R, I think. I'm almost certain it has an option for "vanilla" looking water.

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  • 5 months later...

Man sorry I didn't thank you until now :/


I just now figured out how to track my posts. I know, you don't have to say it. It's just that I don't do forums. But I will participate in this one for this game

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