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I can't use my right hand for spells or staffs.


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I can't cast any spells or use any staffs with my right hand. Left works perfectly well. Are there any mods that could be bugging the animation for the magic? I don't use magic so often or at all so I don't know which mod it might be that caused it. There have been topics like this before but nothing to solve my problems. Any ideas?


I would appreciate the help. Want to do the mage thing for a while but can't really when my right hand isn't casting :(

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You are using an animation mod such as "Kill Moves Plus" or some such that is out of date with the current version of 1.8


The Dance of Death is up to ver 1.8


Your right hand wont cast spells until said mod is removed,

Next time post mods list.


You got lucky that I knew off the top of my head the problem and had a working solution and an alternative mod for you to use.


It is very likely about 99.999999infinate% chance that you will have to start a new game. You are unlikely top be that 1 in 100 billion people out of 9 billion people on planet that does not have to restart the game.


I am not a Nexus Staffer and not paid to answer your question. I do this becuase I enjoy modding and I know how frustrating it can be for new people

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I am using The Dance of Death. Your saying that is what is making it impossible for me to cast spells? Will it help or not to remove it?


If not then thanks for your help, I apprieciate it. I don't normally go on these forums so sorry if I posted inthe wrong place. Wasn't sure that it was the mod.


I'll stick with the swords and bows, not much of a mage person. But it would have been fun to scorch some nasties into dust ;)


Thanks again mate.

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