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FNIS works great, FNIS XXL I get Error(5)


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Basically, I always used FNIS XXL since I do have a lot of animaitons installed, and magically one day (I literally did nothing to do my load order or added new animations, I didn't do ANYTHING AT ALL) and I suddenly get Error(5) as soon as I attempt to run it. Period. Heres the log:


Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (126 bones) male: XPMS2HDT (126 bones)
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations"
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"
Patch: * tktk1's "TK Dodge / Ultimate Combat" (CTD:0,3%)
ERROR(5): No encontrado
Disclaimer: I have it in spanish

What I tried (I use MO):


1. I deleted tools folder in overwrite


2. I did a new profile with ONLY FNIS XXL installed. (No animations, no mods, no nothing).


3. I tested FNIS in my different profiles.


4. I made skyrim, mod organizer and FNIS always run as admin.


5. I changed skyrim, and mod organizer folders access permissions.



And nothing. Then I attempted to use regular FNIS and suddenly it works. ???????????



I'm out of ideas someone please help me out.

Edited by vmh1029
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