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Any Idea to fix this annoying body shadow glow ?


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Hi ^^ i have an problem with my charakters and all amount of npcs , body textures always glow when lights shadow or the charakters movin .

I tried all amount of shadow tweaks in the skyrim ini . And i have deleted all body textures, nothing work . the only mods i have that can possibly change the light or shadows is facelight on casters , COT , and shadow string fix. Any Idea ?



here an harmles example



oh i forgot to tell with enb mods i can turn of and fix it somehow but my grafik card isnt strong enoug to handle enb i think (skyrim crash after a few minutes )( Nvidia gtx650)

Edited by deathscythehell
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That's an issue built in to the game's lighting that becomes a lot more noticeable with body texture replacers.


I'm sure there's plenty of ENB presets out there you can try that your system can run. SSAO and SSIL are the two big performance drains from ENB so look for a preset that doesn't use them (or tweak your own...).

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There is a Mod that addresses this problem and fixed it for me. Maybe give it a try? Its on the Nexus and I endorse it. No more ugly bronze shine. Find it at .... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29791/ Cheers :smile:


ok i will try it .^^ i turns Enb off (cause performance problems) and i found out that enb changes the light in any way of skyrim wenn you delete the Enb files . so i reinstall skyrim and make a new ini (maybe i failed at tweaking XD) and delete the face light mod . all this helps a little bit but the problem is not completley gone.

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