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Transparent armor mods make body invisible


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Anytime I equip custom armor that has some sort of transparency, this happens.

The dress is transparent, but you can see the wall behind her instead of her body.


On another similar issue, some armor that is supposed to be transparent, doesn't even show up.




And lastly, if you look at the second image, you can see a bunch of random spots all over her chest, stomach, and legs.

While in-game, those are transparent and randomly move all around her body. It looks like a bunch of transparent bugs crawling all over her.

I'm guessing it is supposed to be shadows or something.


I am running Windows 7 pro x64. (w/ sp1, dunno if that is needed info or not)

I have a geforce gtx 560 card. (driver version 310.90)


I don't know if any settings from my ini files is needed, but if so, just let me know and I will post them.

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So only when you use this armor,


Let me get this straight, you think the mod author would never release a mod that had kinks in it becuase they had a high rep?


I guess I could tell you to go get nifskope and fix it yourself. There's more likely 1 of 3 things here


1)There's an alpha property on the body in the nif file

2)Bethsada game engine problem, that is related to certain video cards or most, this problem exhisted in FNV but not F03 go figure.

3)Your load order is borked...in this case I don't think so


Bethsada games have always had a tough time with certain transparancies



-It could be that you've overloaded your Vram, however a more likely result of this is when only the skin of the charater is swimming in black gunk.

Edited by gamefever
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So only when you use this armor,


no, its with any armor mod that has transparency. I just used that armor as an example, because it was the worse out of all of them that I have tried so far.

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I just downloaded gpu-z and ran it with skyrim open, and it said my gpu load was at 99-100% pretty much the whole time. I guess even though my computer meets the recommended settings, I should look and see what visual mods I have installed and scale them back a little, and maybe drop the graphics settings down a tad and see what that does.


<div><br></div><div>edit:I just disabled all graphic mods other than my body mod, and dropped all the graphic settings down to the lowest they would go, including running at 1280x720 windowed mode. I was then able to get the gpu load down to ~66%.</div><div>Even with that, nothing changed.</div>

Edited by nite_monkey
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