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Incredibly Strange BUG!


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I'm not exactly sure how to describe this, but recently I've been having this issue where I'll be walking somewhere (honestly happens everywhere. currently, I'm in Dawnstar and it's happening everywhere)

and I'll run in to an invisible npc who will say the typical "Need something?" in the calm imperial voice. That's not all. When ever I run in to this issue, there are about 20 of these phantom NPCs that shove me around. I can't locate them with console or harm them with weapons or shouts. I have absolutely no clue what mod could possible be causing this phenomenon. On top of that, when ever I'm near these "things", my system starts lagging like I'm watching a bloody slide show. I honestly don't know how this could possibly happen. All the mods I have are just armor mods and ACE.

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lot of people are reporting this, but atm none found the cause for sure: some one said it's wet and cold, but i know people without it but the same bug


Could make sense, I do use that mod, and I'm pretty sloppy with installations so that might be the case.

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It is caused by "Wet & Cold" because you did not follow the mod's update instructions correctly. Go read that mod's description page and the change log :whistling: Edited by steve40
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