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Mod Manger 2 Help Please


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Hi -

I am new to all things mods.

I played with VORTEX and got many things to work. I uninstalled VORTEX and Skyrim and made a fresh install.


This time I am using Mod Manager 2 to give it a try.


I installed any mod and it does not copy the files to the game directory.


SkyrimVR sksevr_loader - The program makes it look like it has installed it but not copied any files to the SkyrimVR game folder.


What am I doing wrong?


Thanks in advance.

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My bad - No I have not figured it out.


I can only get things that have ESP files to copy into my game directory and nothing else.


FNIS never copies over to my SkyrimVR/Data/Tools folder.


Same goes for anything else....

Edited by CyberInfluencer
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