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missing character (yes this is a real problem this time)


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ok my real problem is that a character has gone missing, the leader of the church of atom, i don't see him any more, he is not in his spot and saying his mumbo jumbo. i looked around everywhere to see if he fell and died but something or went someplace else, i even went to the bar and he wasn't there, is there a way to get him back and to say his crap about the power of atom? also Moriarty isn't moving any more, he just stands in front of the bat and stares at Gob. i DID do something to him once though, i got pissed i had to give him 300 caps so i hit the ~ key and used the "kill" command and smacked his head into the wall a few times and "resurrect" him. know how to get him back to walking around?
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Ok to get Confessor Cromwell back do the following


1. Open your console

2. Type: Prid 00003B48

3. Then: moveto player


If it's a corpse that comes to you just click on it and use the Resurrect command.



Now for Moriarty try


1. Click on him with console open

2. Type: Kill

3. Then: Resurrect

4. Then: Disable

5. Then: Enable


If he still doesn't want to move try replacing step three with: Resurrect 1

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I've had the same problem with Moriarty not moving in a similar place as you it seems, across the bar gawking at Gob.

This has also happened with Harkness who won't move from the Rivet City bridge entrance and Tenpenny who refuses to ever go outside to the balcony anymore.

I did absolutely nothing to any of them, in fact Harkness seemed to have been stuck in his position from the moment I got to Rivet City.


I've found no way to get them moving again, killing/resurrecting, disabling, turning off/on AI, nothing.

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I've had the same problem with Moriarty not moving in a similar place as you it seems, across the bar gawking at Gob.

This has also happened with Harkness who won't move from the Rivet City bridge entrance and Tenpenny who refuses to ever go outside to the balcony anymore.

I did absolutely nothing to any of them, in fact Harkness seemed to have been stuck in his position from the moment I got to Rivet City.


I've found no way to get them moving again, killing/resurrecting, disabling, turning off/on AI, nothing.

Tried the "moveto player" command (specifically when you aren't in their chosen city)?

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