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CTD Alduin's Bane cutscene/flashback


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Hey everyone,

My game was acting a bit weird, ended up cleaning masters and using the ReSave tool to clean up my savefiles and everything cleared out. No weird CTD's.

However, I'm just at the main questline portion where I read the elder scroll at the TIme Wound and my game has been consistently having a CTD after Alduin lands. It's not at any one specific time as far as I can tell, but usually around the point after he lands.

My rig has a Ryzen 7 3700x and a Radeon 5700XT. I run Skyrim off my SSD with about 200gb or so of available storage. I have about 32GB of RAM.

My Skyrim SE is running on SKSE 2.0.19. I use Vortex. It is installed in the default path. (C:\program files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim)


I read the sticky, but I wasn't able to find how to do a LOOT log through vortex. Would someone be able to advise me on that? I attached my Papyrus log in hopes that it will be helpful.



I'm verifying my game files through steam: Would I need to re-clean the masters after this?

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