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Looking for help with mod compatibility & load order


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I had a heck of a problem suddenly with CTD. Also my workstations didn't work. It began after trying survival mode, then going back to hard. Regardless what caused it, what fixed it is I had to disable almost every HD, 2K, 4K mod. I know this is undesirable... make a backup of the Data folder as there may be textures you edited. Disable is all you need though.


As far as load order I use Vortex and Loot 0.15.1... Vortex is suppose to sort the mods automatically, But my mods were a mess, very much out of order. I used Loot 0.15.1 to sort, update master list and provide me with a list of problem mods. There are 6 or 7 primary ESM's that must load first... Google FO4 Load order or if you need it I can tell you. I used TESSEDIT to auto-clean a so-called "dirty files". LOOT will tell you which ones.


I still don't know exactly what happened to make the HD and 2K mods a problem - they had been happy. Now other than 2 or 3 I haven't gotten around to trying to reactivate them, one by one, and may not - the game looks great as is. I am running around 120 mods btw.

Edited by BobKat107
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