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No More Heroes


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Fun game, and for those of us willing for a little wackiness, some real interesting modeling challenges.


First off there's our hero and his weapons -






Yeah, that 'lightsaber' [its name is Blood Berry] is basically a florescent tube. Can you have different holstered/drawn models? Because holstered it shouldn't have the blade - when he draws it, the rail extends and then the energy blade fills in the gap between handle and the rail cap.


The outfit would also be quite nice, which is why I added the concept that shows the jacket in more detail.


For the really daring modeler, I'd like to see a functioning model of this, though I imagine it would take a lot of animation work so I'd understand if you weren't interested -




That's right. It's a fully automatic revolver that works by rotating in new chambers as he empties the last set. Looks like five-shot chambers, twelve of them for a total 'clip size' of 60.


How he reloads it, exactly, I've never been sure.


His outfit is also a good potential fit and fairly simple [compared to some of the other visual designs], so getting that would be good. Really, whatever of these four projects you wanna tackle, I'd appreciate it.

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