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Custom Hair, Custom Race, Custom NPC and the CK


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For Adding a Custom Hair to a Custom NPC:

http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Adding_a_Follower_NPC_to_Skyrim#Using_a_custom_hair_for_your_NPC (i used method #2, since i'm not planning on posting my follower online and i dont feel like messing with Wrye Bash)



I tried method 2 like the poster above - creating a unique hairdo linked to Apachii's male hair mod - but whenever I choose that all I get is a bald head and the model in the preview window no longer responds to mouse commands. Is that normal and the hairdo will appear correctly in game or am I missing something?

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  • 6 years later...

Well I finally got my follower made and imported into the game and standing around. But her hair isn't correct, not what I selected in the ~showracemenu I made her in, before exporting her .npc file. Everything else is as it's supposed to be. But she has the Apachii replacement of HairFemaleNord08 and when I select it and click the dropdown box all I get is "DEFAULT." How do I go about getting ApachiiHair29 onto her so I can be done with all this?


I tried the Skyrim NPC Editor but it just creates mod files that CTD me after trying to load the game.


Is there a way to just edit a file somewhere and tell it where to find the mesh for the hair that I want, or something? I've looked all over for solutions to get the Apachii Hair into the Creation Kit's actor editor and am running out of options.


An update:

So I got the hair on her in the Creation Kit.


I've seen a lot of people with this problem so I'll just share how I got the hair on her, as it's pretty simple but seems pretty overlooked.

When you have your CharGenParts tab open, instead of trying to get something from that useless "DEFAULT" box, use your ObjectWindow to go to Character>Headpart>Female>Headpart, then find the hair you want, in my case ApachiiHair29. Just click and drag it to the HeadPart window next to the preview pane and it'll replace it, you'll see it on your preview model.




My game CTD's when I try and enter the cell(Sleeping Giant Inn, Riverwood) which she is in. I could enter before, when her hair was incorrect and talk to her and everything, but now I can't even get through the door.

This makes me feel like there's a leftover file somewhere but I don't have a clue what it is?


Suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Oh my absolute sweet loving hero! You're a god amongst mortals! *drag and drop* this thign had me almost in tears as I could not figure out how to change those faceparts.

I just had to login and say....THANK YOU! for saving my sanity

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