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"Yes my Love, what do you need?" - To the point of Unbearble


Public Opinion Poll  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this mod needed?

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I am not what one could call mod savvy, however I have seen plenty of mods that do the same thing with Guards and especially Mr. "Do you get to the Cloud District very often?" Nazeem. It wouldn't be so bad but most of the women in the game sport the 'eager younger female' voice which makes the already annoying line, and it's partner "Hello my love, back from some adventure I bet.", all the more traumatizing. The dialogue seems to happen every time I get near a spouse which is often in a cramped home like Breezehome or Proudspire. I have looked through the mods on the Nexus and Steamworkshop but have not found anything to fix it with.


So I was hoping someone had the time to cobble together a mod for at least a few of the Spouses that either removes the aforementioned dialogue from being casually exclaimed or at least adjusts the lapse of time between when they are repeated. Thank you for hearing me out, and feel free to voice your opinion o the matter in the poll above.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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Maybe its just me, but id say divorce her if shes that nagging.


What would that solve? Many eligible women have the exact same voice actor. The NPC's include Sylgja, Lydia, Jordis, Brelyna, Camilla and Ysolda who are a large block of fan favorites. Besides, I was hoping to marry Jordis so I can convert her original room into a personal study.


That's a better reason than most can give for making their choices right? :biggrin:

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