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Changes to bottled water


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Would like to see a mod that gives you an empty bottle when you drink water/alcohol/nuka cola and you can refill it at any place you can drink from (sink/river/lake). Would work nicely with some realism mods where you can't carry 200 pounds of equipment and have to conserve inventory space. Thanks
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Hmm, it's a pity we don't have an 'empty' water bottle model. However I suppose it can be done relatively easy using just a vanilla model (but if you drop it it'll look like it's full). Though, I suppose it's possible to make use a Nuka cola or any other empty bottle but then you'd still have the full/not full problems. I guess it'd just take some looking into to see what you could get away with in terms of models unless most folks wouldn't care what it looked like if it was dropped.


edit: that said I'll look into it tomorrow and see what I can do.

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