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Dos enb override Skypref.ini shadow settings?


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Im so confused atm.

Im well known with Ini settings and tweaked a lot, but now Im stuck


First of all what causes shadowbias 0.15 to create flickering shadow. I got like a 3 feet radius around me that shows the ground properly, outside this sircel there flickeri shadows.

Iv used 0.15 before with no problem.

Nvidida tweak guide uses 0.15.


Shadow distance, the lower the more crispier shadows you get, but you can clearly see the shadows pop on trees etc which looks ugly.

Whene i set low distance, i only get the pop, no crispier settings.


I have tested with 1024 to 8k shadow resolution. Dosnt change a thing.


It seems as the ini changes I do have no impact or result ingame.

So wondering if the Project Enb which i use, overrides this settings somehow.

My enb settings is set to 0(best quality)


If any one got super crisp hige quality shadow settings in there ini that works, could you share?

So i can conclude wheter or not its my ini files that isn't correct.

Thanks :)

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