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so I made a boltgun from warhammer 40k.

tisnt meant to be the standard godwyn pattern bolter seen on the current marines so dont go into details about how it doesnt look the the one your marines are holding,

kinda my own take on a bolter, combined it with the general idea of a semi automatic pistol.




I think its a decent model, nothing special, but I would like to see a bolter in game, so I started this, once I was finished the mesh I realized

I really really dont want to texx this, and even if I did, Im poo for bump maps.


so yeh if anyone wants to texx this it would be a huge help, because as I said I dont want to texx this and Im not very good at it xD

would be cool if there was anyone seriously into warhammer, and willing to texx, then we could perhaps make a weapon pack, add in all sorts of badass weapons from the grim darkness of the far future.


PS: I've fixxed the grip a bit since this shot, and I apologize for my grammar, its rather late, and I be rather tired :P

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