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Khajiit Unarmed Claws


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I find it rather silly that when khajiits are unarmed, when they are not attacking, they have their fists closed. It would probably be painful, too.


It would be much nicer (and kickass) if the hands were extended, claw-like, all the time, in the manner of the unarmed attack animation.

At least in first person.


I have no idea how this could be done, but I imagine it wouldn't be much of a hassle, as the actual claw pose already exists.

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You do attack with your hand extended, but just raising your fists doesn't change the pose.

Well, that's kind of the point; a mod that lets you not only "raise your fists", but "raise your claws".

It looks sort of stupid when you see the khajiit walking about with his fists up but ends up attacking with his claws.

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