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The Child Bedroom/Alchemy Lab "..." Problem


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Went ahead and made sure I downloaded the most recent patches (unofficial and official) hoping that this issue would be remedied from my last playthrough. Still, though, when you purchase either the Alchemy Lab (for 500) or the Child's Bedroom (for "...") neither are actually activated. Money is taken away, but the options simply grey out. You can repeatedly buy them over and over, but to no avail. I was wondering if anyone had found a console command or fix for this issue? I know I had a similar problem with Proudspire's Living Room not working and was able to find a console code that enabled it. The problem with the bedrooms though is that it's not limited to only one home (Breezehome and Proudspire are affected, AFAIK, could be more.)



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So it doesn't work with Honeyside either. I'm quite confused about this issue still. Does anyone have any sort of information on this? It's sad. I just...I just want to provide a better life for the children!
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Are you using any mods aside from the Unofficial Patches? If so, post a BOSS log (with the messages), and the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated. Edited by ripple
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