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Classic Fallout Weapons for Fallout 4?


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Is anyone out there currently working on porting - or remaking the Classic Weapons from classic Fallout? For those unaware, these ones: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37002


Over the past I've seen a couple guns from those games ported over, namely from other titles, like the Service Rifle, Grease Gun and such from Fallout NV, and even a small amount of 76 weapons (which were remakes). But I've seen a terrible lack of many of the older, (and in my opinion, cooler) Classical guns from the older Fallout games, namely things like the Gauss Minigun, which was pretty kickass looking.


Would anyone be down to porting some of these beauties to Fallout 4? I'd appreciate it whole-heatedly to see these guns in-game again! :)

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You can actually find a lot of individual mods with many of the weapons you're after, though not any compilations of them as far as I'm aware! (Though that would be awfully convenient, and give more space in our load orders.)


Here's everything I've got bookmarked which I know was either in a previous fallout game or really fits the aesthetic:

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