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Climates of Tamriel removes coloring


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Why is that? I have been messing around with fxaa's and enb's for days now, and by simply installing no tint and desaturation and removing climates of tamriel I suddenly get not only the crispest image, but it returns the colors I was seeking. So what's the deal? Why does a weather mod remove saturation?
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CoT is VERY incompatible with some ENBs, you have to make extra extra double sure the ENB you are using is compatible with it, I dealt with this issue a lot, one time, my entire screen was color inverted.


CoT has it's own ENB which works very well with it, which includes a cinematic version which is pretty stunning, SkyRealism also has an ENB that has basically ZERO incompatibilities, and thus works with CoT, and I currently use Project ENB with CoT, and I get no color errors whatsoever. Well, minus a very annoying redshift that happens when I use 'predator vision', but I don't account that to my ENB ot CoT, sense it's very isolated.


The reason CoT messes with ENBs is it's NOT a weather mod, it's a climate overhaul, it changes the sun, the sky, the clouds, lights, shadows, fog, snow, rain, almost every aspect of the 'atmosphere' of the game, which is why it's so stunning when it works properly. It's like SkyRe to me, it can be a pain to get working with certain mods sometimes, but I simply can't play skyrim without it anymore! :biggrin:


Which ENB are you using?

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I actually don't use an enb anymore. I used to use FXAA with COT, along with urwl(I didn't realise I had both that and CoT on) and that indoor lighting mod we all like who's name escapes me. It was grey and dimly lit everywhere outsidde with just FXAA and CoT. Was URWL being loaded after cot conflict? I didn't realise I had it untill I already deactivated CoT. I'll reactivate CoT withou any other weather mods and see if that clears it up. Edited by Thanatos3
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I've spent ages ensuring my monitor is calibrated absolutely perfectly, and everytime I tried CoT it was only on for a minute or two and then uninstalled as I also found it to be too dull, dark, and lacking any decent sense of light,


As for improving things a little, if you're not aware of it perhaps try out IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device for Skyrim - I'm currently using it to combat the Vanillas games excessive use / misuse of contrast and brightness settings.

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