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CTD's Looking Forward but not Down?


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Just as the title says, I crash to desktop in certain areas (witch's cabin -> rear entrance of Bleakfalls, the path leading to Whiterun's gate) but ONLY if I'm looking forwards. If I look down, I can move without issue.

Is there a particular type of conflict which causes this?

My major mods (and worldspace altering ones) are


Climates of Tamriel

Jasus Swords

Lanterns of Skyrim

Immersive Armors

Deadly Dragons

Dance of Death

Realistic Lighting

Skyrim Distant Detail

Midas Magic

Ultimate Follower Overhaul


I'm less curious about any specific issues with theses mods than I am about whether or not a specific type of conflict results in a CTD ONLY when looking forward.

Edited by Liudeius
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