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What did you make of Heroes season 3?


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I want to see them the introduce a few "heroes" that have oddball powers and somehow twist it around where they are actually useful.


Some suggestions:


* Pennyman - Moves penny with his thoughts (one centimeter at a time)

* Hairman - Can move one of the hairs on his arm with just his thoughts

* Chilliman - Can detect and find an open can of chilli in a matter of seconds after being opened.

* Xraygirl - Can see through tinfoil as if it were not there.

* Mentalman - The ability to block out any kind of sound reasoning and logic. Scratch that...seems too realistic.

* Fartman - The ability to render unconscious anyone that gets too close to him. Scratch that...too similar to the Haitian character.


Fartman sounds a bit like Spleen from Mystery Men.

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