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Steam code?


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Why would you need the Steam Activation code (IE GAME KEY.) if you have the non-steam version (since if I am not mistaken, you can only get the steam version ON STEAM), and why would you need windows live when it is included with the installer?


I am sensing you are lieing, and have a warez version.

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Nope. Only valve games can be bought retail and activated on steam (and they have to be). Thoguh you can make a shortcut to falluot throguh steam and still get the overlay.


What this guy said. People here seem to be jumpy about warez talk. :(


Anyway, I've run into the same thing a few times. I wanted to activate my non-Steam copy of Dawn of War once the Steam version of it came out, but it wouldn't let me.


When you think about it, it does make sense for Steam's activation and the publisher's CD key auth process to be separated like that. (Otherwise, that implies that the publisher gave their CD key auth code to Valve, which I can't see anybody doing.)

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