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Blinking Mechanic (Alone in the Dark-ish)


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So lately I have been enjoying my modded Save again and I have immediately felt the need for a certain mod, so I'm using "Imperious - Races of Skyrim" and I'm playing a Dunmer, now as everyone who ever did that combination knows you get that nice whispers ability where stuff is marked through walls and you have to track it down and kill it to collect... whisper fuel basically for your Abilities.


Now what does this have to do with the mod request, simple really:

A lot of the time those marked whisper targets are way too hard to find (as in 90% of the time)

Most likely scenario is: Target gets marked -> Impossible to find due to bright environment or other effects and clutter on the screen making it impossible to find that little orange glow

(which also can be a problem with the detect spells)


That got me thinking and reminded me of the mechanic from some Alone in the Dark game where you had to blink and the screen would turn black.

I wondered if there is a mod like that or a blindfold mod that does this but I only found devious devices which I am not willing to install due to it's size and nature (mainly the requirements) for only the blindfold part.

So I thought why not have a power that closes your eyes and makes everything around your character go dark while the power is active but still allows you to see the auras from various detection spells.


Even better: why not have your vision get brighter for a while depending how long you had your eyes closed, think of closing your eyes for a while to see better in the dark.

Bonus points if it's hotkey toggle-able via MCM config or something like that but honestly a power that get's added on the mods initialization would still be enough.


Would even be fitting lore wise for non magic characters / martial arts / soldier type characters, close your eyes and trust your senses or improve your darkness vision.

Basically shutting of any natural distractions and focusing solely on what you want to find.

While this would not replace light spells or torches or night eye / predator vision, you could still use it as night vision in a pinch in case you forgot to bring a torch, just a inferior version of it.


So yeah, that's the whole idea pretty much and I'd actually be willing to pass a small donation if someone actually manages to get that done and working nicely.

I don't have much to give but I'm not taking someones work for granted, I mean I'd do it myself but I have no clue about coding those things at all.


Edit: Slightly better readability and better explanation mostly

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