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Recurrent crashes due to audio / custom-music


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Hello and thanks in advance for your help,


I built myself a very large modlist and my game is remarkably stable, but I have a recurrent problem that always comes back. I keep getting crashes related to audio and custom-music.

First it was in Dragonsreach and I managed to pinpoint it to Palaces and Castles Enhanced which adds custom music to castles ; so I installed the author's No Custom Music patch and forwarded changes using SSEEdit. That solved it. But now I'm having a recurrent crash near Whiterun stables (WhiterunExterior-something) with the same log information. Those are provided as follows :


.NET script framework log : https://pastebin.com/uvHH5ja8. Notice the error stack is at XAudio2_7.dll and not SkyrimSE.exe ; it also was the case with my previous Dragonsreach case. And yes, I disabled the TabletInputService / touchpad service stuff which messes with said DLL.


Papyrus log : https://pastebin.com/VuSN8VwD. It seems not very useful to me, but maybe it actually is.


I can provide more information if needed. My load order should be fine, it has been done using LOOT and extensive metadata and its coherence checked when I made my custom smashed patches in SSEEdit. Perhaps I missed something though.

I am personally convinced the problem is, as with the previous case, a problem with a mod which adds custom music. It would be perfect if there was a way to get a log of all sounds played by the game to know which one is guilty. Perhaps a XAudio2_7 hook exists somwhere ? I haven't found any.


Thanks again, any insight is welcome.

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I too have been wrestling with this. I will post a solution on reddit and the nexus if I find the true fix.


POSSIBLE FIX: This is my response to the OP in a private message

Yes, and no.

Yes because I no longer have that issue, and no because I didn't actually find a fix directly.

I think it was an error in how I was moding the game.

HOWEVER, let me ask you this; do you have any mods that add dragons, animals and critters to Skyrim?

I completely remade my mod list using Lexy's LOTD guide. In the MCM setup part of the guide, she has you disable certain options in the Immersive Creatures and Diverse Dragon Collection MCM.

Here's the link: https://lexyslotd.com/guide/mcm-setup/

Let me know how it goes please.

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I too have been wrestling with this. I will post a solution on reddit and the nexus if I find the true fix.

Thank you, that would be much appreciated as I don't have much time to look into it. I would think (when looking into the .NET script framework log) that the crash comes from a zero division error, and I think in turn the cause of that would be either a missing audio file or some form of mismatch.

I've tried in SSEEdit to filter by "MUSC - Music Type" and "MUST - Music Track" but I don't have anything significant, mostly expansion mods (Bruma and such). The biggest culprit out of those that I filtered would be either 3DNPC (interesting NPCs) or perhaps LOTD. If you have those mods too perhaps it comes down to it.

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POSSIBLE FIX: This is my response to the OP in a private message


Yes, and no.

Yes because I no longer have that issue, and no because I didn't actually find a fix directly.

I think it was an error in how I was moding the game.

HOWEVER, let me ask you this; do you have any mods that add dragons, animals and critters to Skyrim?

I completely remade my mod list using Lexy's LOTD guide. In the MCM setup part of the guide, she has you disable certain options in the Immersive Creatures and Diverse Dragon Collection MCM.

Here's the link: https://lexyslotd.com/guide/mcm-setup/

Let me know how it goes please.

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The root cause of the problem seems to be incompatibilities between Skyrim Immersive Creatures' additional spawns feature and mods adding new creatures. The crash was solved for me by disabling Animal Spawns and Ore Creatures Spawns, as well as the dragons in Diverse Dragons Col. 3 mentioned in the link given above, per the instructions; but I think disabling only SIC's animal spawns would have sufficed.


Still, if you encounter some random crashes especially in outside areas, I would advise you to follow the instructions in the post above and disable animal spawns and ore creatures spawns. That's the most foolproof solution to those random, cryptic crashes. This feature is known to cause a lot of problems and my first mistake was not disabling it first thing.


Do note that disabling SIC's additional spawns should be done in interior areas.


In any case, thanks again to Supertron for his awesome suggestion.

Edited by Spektrall
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